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Dental Anxiety: 3 Ways to Cope with Your Anxiety

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Woman undergo dental check up

Fear and anxiety over a dental visit are not uncommon. About 10% of the population have severe anxiety about trips to the dentist and often put off their visits until they have a toothache or another emergency, such as a dental abscess.

Whatever your reason, our team will make sure your dental and your emotional health are taken care of.

3 Strategies to Help Ease Your Anxiety

Speak Up

Anyone who suffers from anxiety knows that sharing our feelings can make a world of difference. Talk to our dental team; they are better able to treat you if they know your needs.

  • Tell your me about your anxiety. When you schedule your appointment, tell the receptionist you’re nervous about dental visits. Remind me and our dental staff about your anxiety.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Oftentimes, knowing what is going to happen can alleviate any fears of the unknown.
  • If you experience pain even with a local anesthetic, tell me. Talk with me about pain before the procedure so I understand your needs and how to communicate with you to make it comfortable.

Distract Yourself

There are some things you can do to take your mind off the exam and distract your thoughts.

  • Wear headphones. Our offices are equipped with noise canceling headphones to listen to your favorite music, treatment rooms with TVs, WiFi and iPads.
  • Try squeezing a stress ball or playing with a small handheld object.
  • Imagine being at your favorite place or visualize yourself relaxing at a beach or garden.

Use Mindfulness Techniques

Relaxation starts in the mind and deep breathing exercises will help you focus and relax tension in your muscles.

  • Count Your Breaths. Inhale slowly and then exhale for the same number of counts. Do these five times while you’re waiting for your appointment, or while you’re sitting in the dental chair.
  • Do a Body Scan. Concentrate on relaxing all your muscles, one body part at a time. Start with your head and work your way down to your toes.

At Lindgren Dental Care, building a foundation of trust by treating our patients as special individuals is vital to our success. We understand how uneasy some patients may feel about their dental visits, and how we can make a difference in providing a relaxing and positive experience. Our entire team provides you with excellent, gentle, personalized care and service to make your visits as comfortable and pleasant as possible.

Contact Lindgren Dental Care Today to Schedule an Appointment with Dr. Cheryl Lindgren. There is no time like the present! Call (651) 393-9739 or visit us on the web at

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